We're back! The summer is well underway, and us Long Lane farmers are finally getting our blog-game on. We have a big crew this summer, six workers in all.
We've all been busy preparing the land, and our crops have been happily in the ground for a while. We've been harvesting peas for two weeks now, as well as spinach, lettuce, mustard greens, radishes, garlic and herbs. Our raised beds are lookin' nice, if a bit crooked.
Besides the beds we built during the year, we've also cleared around 3,000 square feet of fresh land. All by hand (and scythe, and shovel, and pitchfork (and sweat)). It was "hella hard work."
Here we are looking over the fruits of our labor |
In this new land, we first prepared a
Three Sisters plot, about 30 X 30 feet. Three Sisters is a Native American companion planting method, where corn is grown along with beans and squash. Each plant helps the others in this ecosystem. Corn grows tall and supports the climbing beans. The beans, in turn, fix nitrogen. The squash is in between, and spreads along the ground to block weed growth. By combining plants you produce food more efficiently and less labor intensively. It's an elegant and functional system that's been used for centuries. Because the plants work together we can plant the three sisters in the same place year after year, and the soil will just get more and more fertile.
By now the corn has all come up. Almost time to plant the squash and beans!
We've also planted LOTS of seedlings donated by Tom Goglia at New Image Greenhouse, David Zemelsky at
Starlight Gardens in Durham, and other generous folks. Eleven rows of tomatoes, plus lots of peppers, acorn squash, muskmelons, etc. We're super grateful for all the help we've received, and very excited to see these plants mature.
Those Long Lane herbs are the finest |
We have a lot of things going on, too many for one post—a slowly-emerging fence, a hoophouse to be installed, nine fine hens (Will and Jon's ladies), an herb garden, our farm stand, money-making schemes galore (a huge pumpkin patch is on the way), and our WWOOF account. We will be back with updates on these escapades in the coming months (we hope).
-The Farm
More pictures on the way soon!